Transition and Tradition
When I started this blog, I worked in the museum field, and I focused my examples of how “Every Word Counts” on …
When I started this blog, I worked in the museum field, and I focused my examples of how “Every Word Counts” on …
You’ve Got Some Explaining to Do: Advice for Neuroscientists Writing for Lay Readers (available free as a PDF) comes from The Dana Foundation, …
In this article on the source of bad writing, Steven Pinker advocates for formative evaluation, without ever using that phrase. http://online.wsj.com/articles/the-cause-of-bad-writing-1411660188
for people who already write well, but someone already wrote it. 7 grammar rules you really should pay attention to That post …
The Simplification Centre is a not-for-profit that works with organizations who need to communicate complex information. They often turn their attention to …